Ezra 5:12 But H3861 fromH4481 becauseH1768 provoked to wrathH7265 our fathersH0002 the GodH0426 of heavenH8065 He gaveH3052 themH1994 into the handH3028 of NebuchadnezzarH5020 kingH4430 of Babylon,H0895 Chaldean the,H3679 and temple,H1005 thisH1836 [who] destroyedH5642 and people theH5972 carried awayH1541 to Babylon.H0895
Job 30:24 SurelyH0389 notH3808 against a heap of ruins,H1164 He would stretch outH7971 [His] handH3027 ifH0518 when He destroys [it]H6365 they H3861 cry out.H7769
Daniel 2:11 And thingH4406 thatH1768 king theH4430 requests,H7593 [it is] a difficultH3358 and otherH0321 noH3809 [there] isH0383 whoH1768 can tell itH2324 toH6925 king the,H4430 except H3861 the gods,H0426 whoseH1768 dwellingH4070 withH5974 fleshH1321 notH3809 is.H0383
Daniel 2:30 But as for me,H0576 notH3809 with wisdomH2452 thatH1768 isH0383 more thanH4481 anyoneH3606 living,H2417 secretH7328 thisH1836 has been revealedH1541 but H3861 forH5922 [our] sakesH1701 thatH1768 interpretation theH6591 to king the,H4430 who make knownH3046 and the thoughtsH7476 of your heartH3825 that you may know.H3046 king,H4430 were watchingH2370 -,H1934 and beholdH0431 image.H6755 AH2298 greatH7690 image,H6755 thisH1797 greatH7229 and whose splendorH2122 [was] excellent,H3493 stoodH6966 before youH6903 and its formH7299 [was] awesome.H1763
Daniel 3:28 Spoke,H6032 NebuchadnezzarH5020 and saying,H0560 Blessed beH1289 the GodH0426 ofH1768 Shadrach,H7715 Meshach,H4336 Abed-nego,H5665 whoH1768 sentH7972 His Angel,H4398 and deliveredH7804 His servantsH5649 whoH1768 trustedH7365 in HimH5922 and word,H4406 king's theH4430 they have frustratedH8133 and yieldedH3052 their bodies,H1655 thatH1768 notH3809 they should serveH6399 norH3809 worshipH5457 anyH3606 god,H0426 except H3861 their own God.H0426
Daniel 4:27 Therefore ,H3861 king,H4430 my adviceH4431 let be acceptableH8232 to youH5921 your sinsH2408 by [being] righteous,H6665 break offH6562 and your iniquitiesH5758 by showing mercyH2604 to the poor-H6033 PerhapsH2006 there may beH1934 a lengtheningH0754 of your prosperity.H7963
Daniel 6:5 ThenH0116 men,H1400 theseH0479 saidH0560 whichH1768 notH3809 we shall findH7912 against Daniel,H1841 thisH1836 anyH3606 chargeH5931 unless H3861 we find [it]H7912 against himH5922 concerning the lawH1882 of his God.H0426
Daniel 6:7 Have consulted togetherH3272 allH3606 the governorsH5632 of kingdom the,H4437 administrators the,H5460 and satraps,H0324 counselors the,H1907 and advisors,H6347 to establishH6966 a statute,H7010 royalH4430 and to make a firmH8631 decree,H0633 thatH1768 to anyH3606 whoeverH1768 petitionsH1156 a petitionH1159 ofH4481 anyH3606 godH0426 or manH0606 forH5705 days,H3118 thirtyH8533 except H3861 youH4481 king,H4430 shall be castH7412 into the denH1358 of lions.H0744
Daniel 6:12 ThenH0116 they went,H7127 and spokeH0560 beforeH6925 king theH4430 concerningH5922 decree-H0633 king's theH4430 have notH3809 a decree,H0633 you signedH7560 thatH1768 everyH3606 manH0606 whoH1768 petitionsH1156 -H4481 anyH3606 godH0426 or manH0606 withinH5705 days,H3118 thirtyH8533 except H3861 youH4481 king,H4430 shall be castH7412 into the denH1358 of lions?H0744 answeredH6032 king theH4430 and said,H0560 TRUE,H3330 thing [is] theH4406 according to the lawH1882 of the MedeH4076 and Persian,H6540 whichH1768 notH3809 does alter.H5709