Daniel 2:11 And thingH4406 thatH1768 king theH4430 requests,H7593 [it is] a difficultH3358 and otherH0321 noH3809 [there] isH0383 whoH1768 can tell itH2324 toH6925 king the,H4430 exceptH3861 the gods,H0426 whoseH1768 dwellingH4070 withH5974 flesh H1321 notH3809 is.H0383
Daniel 4:12 Its leavesH6074 [were] lovely,H8209 and Its fruitH0004 abundant,H7690 and foodH4203 for all.H3606 under itH8460 found shadeH2927 the beastsH2423 of field theH1251 and in its branchesH6056 dweltH1753 the birdsH6853 of heavens theH8065 and from itH4481 was fedH2110 allH3606 flesh .H1321
Daniel 7:5 And suddenlyH0718 beast,H2423 anotherH0317 a second,H8578 likeH1821 a bear,H1678 and on side,H7859 oneH2298 it was raised upH6966 and threeH8532 [had] ribsH5967 in its mouthH6433 betweenH0997 its teethH8128 and thusH3652 they saidH0560 Arise,H6966 devourH0399 flesh H1321 much.H7690