H8110: Shimrown - Shimron

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Genesis 46:13 And the sonsH1121 of Issachar:H3485 Tola,H8439 and Puvah,H6312 and Job,H3102 and Shimron .H8110

Numbers 26:24 of Jashub,H3437 the familyH4940 of the Jashubites-H3432 of Shimron ,H8110 the familyH4940 of the Shimronites.H8117

Joshua 11:1 And it came to pass,H1961 when heard [these things]H8085 JabinH2985 kingH4428 of HazorH2674 that he sentH7971 toH0413 JobabH3103 kingH4428 of Madon,H4068 and toH0413 the kingH4428 of Shimron ,H8110 and toH0413 the kingH4428 of Achshaph,H0407

Joshua 19:15 And Included were Kattath,H7005 and Nahalal,H5096 and Shimron ,H8110 and Idalah,H3030 Bethlehem-H1035 citiesH5892 twoH8147 [and] tenH6240 and with their villages.H2691

1 Chronicles 7:1 And the sonsH1121 of IssacharH3485 [were] Tola,H8439 and Puah,H6312 Jashub,H3437 and Shimron ,H8110 four [in all].H0702