H6992: qetal - to slay

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Daniel 2:13 So decree theH1882 went outH5312 and wise [men] theH2445 they began killing -H6992 and they soughtH1156 DanielH1841 and his companionsH2269 to kill [them] .H6992

Daniel 2:13 So decree theH1882 went outH5312 and wise [men] theH2445 they began killing -H6992 and they soughtH1156 DanielH1841 and his companionsH2269 to kill [them] .H6992

Daniel 2:14 ThenH0116 DanielH1841 answeredH8421 with counselH5843 and wisdomH2942 AriochH0746 the captainH7229 of guard,H2877 ofH1768 king's theH4430 whoH1768 had gone outH5312 to kill H6992 the wise [men]H2445 of Babylon-H0895

Daniel 3:22 ReasonH3606 ForH6903 thereforeH1836 uponH4481 thatH1768 commandH4406 king's theH4430 was urgent,H2685 and furnace theH0861 hot,H0228 exceedinglyH3493 menH1400 theseH0479 whoH1768 took upH5267 Shadrach,H7715 Meshach,H4336 Abed-nego.H5665 Killed H6992 themH1994 flame theH7631 ofH1768 fire the.H5135

Daniel 5:19 And becauseH4481 of majesty theH7238 thatH1768 He gaveH3052 allH3606 peoples,H5972 nations,H0524 and languages,H3961 trembledH1934 trembledH2112 and fearedH1763 fromH4481 the face of himH6925 WhomeverH1768 heH1934 wishedH6634 heH1934 executed -H6992 and whomeverH1768 heH1934 wishedH6634 heH1934 kept alive-H2418 and whomeverH1768 heH1934 wishedH6634 heH1934 set up-H7313 and whomeverH1768 heH1934 wishedH6634 heH1934 put down.H8214

Daniel 5:29 ThenH0116 gave the commandH0560 Belshazzar,H1113 and they clothedH3848 DanielH1841 with purple,H0711 and [put] a chainH2002 ofH1768 goldH1722 aroundH5922 his neck,H6676 and made a proclamationH3745 concerning himH5922 thatH1768 he should beH1934 rulerH7990 the thirdH8531 in kingdom the.H4437 nightH3916 was slain .H6992 BelshazzarH1113 kingH4430 Chaldeans theH3779

Daniel 7:11 WatchedH2370 IH1934 thenH0116 becauseH4481 of the sound ofH7032 words theH4406 pompousH7260 whichH1768 horn theH7162 was speaking-H4449 watchedH2370 IH1934 -H5705 tillH1768 was slain ,H6992 beast theH2423 and destroyed,H0007 its bodyH1655 and givenH3052 to the burningH3346 flame.H0785