H2429: chayil - power, strength, army

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Ezra 4:23 thenH0116 fromH4481 whenH1768 the copyH6573 of letterH5407 whichH1768 ArtaxerxesH0783 KingH4430 [was] readH7123 beforeH6925 Rehum,H7348 and ShimshaiH8124 scribe the,H5613 and their companions,H3675 they went upH0236 in hasteH0924 to JerusalemH3390 againstH5922 Jews,H3062 and made ceaseH0989 themH1994 by forceH0153 and arms .H2429

Daniel 3:4 And a heraldH3744 criedH7123 aloud ,H2429 it is commanded,H0560 peoples,H5972 nations,H0524 and languages,H3961

Daniel 3:20 And certain menH1400 mightyH1401 of valor H2429 who [were]H1768 in his army H2429 he commandedH0560 to bindH3729 Shadrach,H7715 Meshach,H4336 Abed-nego,H5665 [and] cast [them]H7412 into furnaceH0861 fieryH5135 burning the.H3345

Daniel 3:20 And certain menH1400 mightyH1401 of valor H2429 who [were]H1768 in his army H2429 he commandedH0560 to bindH3729 Shadrach,H7715 Meshach,H4336 Abed-nego,H5665 [and] cast [them]H7412 into furnaceH0861 fieryH5135 burning the.H3345

Daniel 4:14 He criedH7123 aloud ,H2429 and thus,H3652 saidH0560 Chop downH1414 tree the,H0363 and cut offH7113 its branches,H6056 Strip offH5426 its leaves,H6074 and scatterH0921 its fruit-H0004 let get outH5111 beasts theH2423 fromH4481 under itH8479 and birds theH6853 fromH4481 its branches.H6056

Daniel 4:35 And allH3606 the inhabitants ofH1753 earth theH0772 as nothing,H3809 [are] reputedH2804 and according to His willH6634 He doesH5648 in army H2429 of heaven the,H8065 and [among] the inhabitants ofH1753 earth the-H0772 and No [one]H3809 [there] isH0383 thatH1768 can restrainH4223 His hand,H3028 Or sayH0560 whatH4101 have You done.H5648 same time theH2166 my reasonH4486 returnedH8421 to meH5922 for the gloryH3367 of my kingdom,H4437 my honorH1923 and splendorH2122 returnedH8421 to meH5922 My counselorsH1907 and noblesH7261 resortedH1156 and toH5922 my kingdom,H4437 I was restoredH8627 and majestyH7238 excellentH3493 was addedH3255

Daniel 5:7 CriedH7123 king theH4430 aloud H2429 to bring inH5954 astrologers the,H0826 Chaldeans the,H3779 and soothsayers the.H1505 Spoke,H6032 king theH4430 and sayingH0560 to the wise [men]H2445 of Babylon,H0895 ofH1768 anyH3606 manH0606 whoH1768 readsH7123 writing,H3792 thisH1836 and its interpretationH6591 tells meH2324 with purple,H0711 shall be clothedH3848 and [have] a chainH2002 ofH1768 goldH1722 aroundH5922 his neck,H6676 and the thirdH8523 in kingdom theH4437 he shall be ruler.H7981